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Agrotsibe erebia: where it grows, what it looks like, photo, edibility of the mushroom

Agrotsibe erebia: photo and description of the fungus

Agrotsibe erebia is a species of conditionally edible mushrooms growing in deciduous and coniferous forests. Characteristic of the species is the dark shade of the cap with a red-brown tinge on the stem.

The characteristic habitat of this specimen is deciduous or coniferous forests. Often there is a symbiosis of a vole with a birch, growth next to this tree is especially fast due to the peculiarities of nutrition.

Where does agrocibe erebia grow

"They are often found in small clusters or single specimens."

Group growth is common

The period of active growth of agrocibe erebia is summer or autumn. Growth starts at the end of June. This period ends in mid-September - early October, depending on the climatic features of the region. Geographic latitudes are diverse: it is especially common in North America. In Russia, agrocybe erebia is found in the forest belt of the western and eastern parts, and can often be found in the Far East, the Urals or Siberia.

Due to the essential need for insufficient moisture and elevated temperatures for the normal growth and development of agrocybe erebia, the fungus tends to thrive in gorges, near valleys and in open areas surrounded by trees. The growth of the fungus in the vicinity of metropolitan areas, such as forest parks, public parks and road areas, is not unusual.

What does agrocibe erebia look like

The distinctive physical features of the variety agrocybe erebium Cyclocybe are unique to this genus. This mushroom is of miniature growth, no more than 5 cm in height; he has a fragile and refined constitution. The cap is plump, juicy and smooth, and the stem is thin and squat.

Agrocibe erebia has a slightly brownish dark brown coloration. A feature of the color is the presence of a ring-shaped pattern on a pale, almost white leg.

The cap of this specimen is flattened, cone-shaped from above, expanding without sharp protrusions. The cap diameter is up to 7 cm, the surface is shiny and sticky. The consistency is quite dense, pasty.

The inner surface has a large number of folds, the color is pale, cream-colored.

The leg of the agrocybea ​​erebii is small, fragile and neat in appearance compared to the voluminous hat. Has a cream or beige tint. A striking difference is the presence of a thin ringed fringe in the middle of the stem. It is a neat membrane forming a sort of frill that is unique to this species. The color is identical to the shade of the leg - beige-gray, without patterns and spots, plain.

A distinctive feature of this specimen is the presence of a frill-like protrusion on one of its appendages.

The spores spread by the fungus are brownish in color, small and transparent. The aroma is subtle, slightly fruity and sweet.

Is it possible to eat agrocibe erebia

Data on the edibility of Agrocybe erebium is vague and poorly understood, so the mushroom is considered conditionally edible. It is customary to treat these species with mushroom pickers with caution. In no case should such specimens be eaten raw due to the possible ingress of toxic substances into the human body.

The taste of the mushroom

The flavor profile of this type of mushroom is not particularly noticeable. It is positioned as neutral, with a recognizable woody essence typical of mushrooms. In addition, it leaves a slightly bitter aftertaste.

False doubles

Mushrooms similar to this species are not found. Among this diversity, it is easy to distinguish even representatives of the entire genus. A distinctive feature is a thin frill located on the leg. Representatives with similar external characteristics can no longer be found.


Cases of eating agrocybe erebium have not been recorded and there are no recipes for cooking due to the little-studied toxic effect on the systems and organs of the body.

Important! Conditionally edible mushrooms require a specific method of preparation: these species are boiled several times, at least 3 times, the broth is drained and replaced with clean water.

After fulfilling certain requirements, mushrooms that can be eaten are subjected to various cooking methods, such as frying or stewing. However, despite sufficient heating, the risk of poisoning may still remain.


Agrocybe erebia has a thin delicate legged skirt, which makes it a truly recognizable variety. Despite the mild sweetish taste and delicate texture, the mushroom has the status of a conditionally edible species; eating it without proper preparation can be a dangerous exercise.

Read more:  Polevik early (early agrocibe): photo and description, use

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