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Reddening Albatrellus: where it grows, what it looks like, is it possible to eat

Reddening albatrellus: photo and description of the fungus

Albatrellus blushing (Albatrellus subrubescens) belongs to the Albatrellaceae family and the genus Albatrellus. First described in 1940 by American mycologist William Merrill and classified as a blushing scootiger. In 1965, the Czech scientist Pousar named it Albatrellus similis.

The scarlet albatrell shares a DNA structure that is most similar to the sheep albatrellus, indicating a common ancestry with its woolly counterpart.

Unlike other types of tinder fungus, these fruiting bodies have well-developed legs.

Where does reddening albatrellus grow?

The reddening of albatrellus becomes visible at the height of summer and persists until the onset of the first frost. He has a fondness for rotting and over-ripened wood, waste produced by conifers, fallen tree trunks, ground covered with tiny pieces of wood, as well as bark and cones. It grows in dense groups from 4-5 to 10-15 individuals.

The fungus is found in the north of Europe and in its central part. In Russia, this species is rare and grows mainly in Karelia and the Leningrad region. Prefers dry pine forests.

Important! As a saprotroph, reddening albatrellus takes an active part in the creation of a fertile soil layer.

Sometimes among pine and deciduous trees you can see modest clusters of these mushrooms.

What does reddening albatrellus look like?

Young mushrooms have a spherical domed hat. As it ages, it straightens out, taking the form of a disk, often concave, in the form of a shallow plate with edges lowered by a rounded roller. The shape of the crown in adult specimens is uneven, curved-hilly, wavy, the edges can be openwork, indented with deep folds. Often there are radial cracks.

The cap is fleshy, dry, dull, covered with large scales, rough. The color of the spots is uneven, from white and yellowish-cream to the color of baked milk and ocher-brown, often with a violet tint. Overgrown mushrooms may have an uneven dirty purple or dark brown color. Diameter from 3 to 7 cm, individual fruiting bodies reach 14,5 cm.

The hymenophore is tubular, steeply descending, with large angular pores. There is a snow-white, cream and yellowish light green shade. Pale pink spots may appear. The pulp is dense, elastic, whitish-pink, odorless. Spore powder is creamy white.

Leg irregularly shaped, often curved. It is located both in the center of the cap, and offset from the center or on the side. The surface is dry, scaly, with small villi, the color coincides with the color of the hymenophore: white, cream, pinkish. Length from 1,8 to 8 cm, thickness up to 3 cm.

Attention! When dried, the pulp of the stem acquires a rich pink-red color, hence the name of this fruiting body.

The color of the hat changes as it grows.

Doubles of blushing tinder

The blushing albatrell can be confused with other members of its species.

Sheep Polypore (Albatrellus ovinus). Conditionally edible. The hat has greenish spots. Sheep polypore (Albatrellus ovinus). Conditionally edible. The hat has greenish spots. Sheep polypore (Albatrellus ovinus). Conditionally edible. The hat has greenish spots.

The mushroom is included in the list of endangered species of the Moscow region

Lilac Albatrellus (Albatrellus syringae). Conditionally edible. The spongy spore coat is not adjacent to the stem. The pulp has a rich light yellow tint.

Concentric dark stripes may be visible on the cap.

Merging albatrellus (Albatrellus confluens). Conditionally edible. The fruit body is large, the caps reach 15 cm in diameter, smooth, without pronounced scales. Creamy, ocher-sand color.

When dry, the flesh acquires a dirty reddish hue.

Is it possible to eat reddening albatrellus

The fruiting body is slightly poisonous, if the cooking technology is violated, it can cause indigestion and colic. The mushroom in Russia is classified as an inedible species due to the bitter aspen pulp. In Europe, this variety of tinder fungus is eaten.


Blushing albatrellus is a little-studied variety of the tinder fungus of the genus Albatrellus. It grows mainly in Europe, where it is considered an edible mushroom with a special taste. In Russia, it is classified as inedible species due to its rich bitterness, which does not disappear even during heat treatment. Low toxicity, can cause intestinal colic. Interestingly, the word "albatrellus", which gave the name to the genus, is translated from Italian as "boletus" or "boletus".

Read more:  Lilac albatrellus: where it grows, what the mushroom looks like, collection and use

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